Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Angkringan is a place selling a variety of food available in almost every street and alley of Jogjakarta. If you can heard, angkringan such as the shape of a barrow full of food that contains, and suppose, operate in the afternoon, evening and early morning use of lighting and light senthir (mostly) and his dark-light street lamps Mercury Yogyakarta.
Consumer angkringan, though often labeled as a junior stalls, in reality consist of various circles. Start from becak drivers, children foreign, students, cultural and artists, employees, executives sometimes not to hesitate to spend the night to partake of food and drinking ginger tea in Angkringan.
Consumer behavior also diverse in there. There is only brought home to buy, there is also a buy, eat and then return home briefly, but most often is found to buy, chat, buy again, and again in the coffee shop chatting with colleagues and angkringan "colleagues" and the new found in the know there. Auto, in angkringan no distinction of social strata, religion or race. They all blur together in the light senthir, as a human figure that children eat and drink from the same seller.

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Ethics and Moral Students living in Jogja

Talking about ethics among young people, which of course related to the moral, may be the first time in the minds of our youth is a hoax that the more days the more complex and severe. We still remember about 6-8 years ago, where once a lively scrimmage and drug abuse dangerous drugs among teenagers in the usual trend is a major adolescent mischief. But after a few years later it hoax but it has not increased, ranging from pornography among teenagers, the court is not known, sexual harassment, drug case that more large and free sex among teenagers.

If we think it is very risky when the city had settled students Unsurprisingly, the intellectual people into the market this large circulation and drugs. Which of course one of the large opportunities are among students / students. There are many reasons why this erudite among circulation involved in the illicit goods, from the association fall in users drugs, just try, try, which ultimately continuity or stress because abandoned boyfriend to feel less attention because their parents or because the task? project work which they consider heavy. Whatever reason this shows the ethical and moral degradation among the youth, from the court until the instant the lifestyle you want to resolve the problem quickly without thinking long-term.

Actually a lot ways that can travel at up to improve the rebuilding of ethics and moral disintegration of society among the youth of this. No way should the way
follow as in the new order, which adds character nous lessons for teenagers to cope with mischief, because the moral and ethical is not enough in the text to learn the score on nine books report. But more on the dimensions of the practice in daily life, for that one needs to travel through religious education that is not only based there scholarly it but also on religious activities and practices morals day-to-day. Because religion is the value of the most influential on the personal behavior of a person and if he really learn and practice in daily life-day. Well through worship directly to the gods and through fellow human relations. Actually this is already visible in Jogjakarta Many teenagers that we can see from how to dress the appropriate religious guidance to the more high religious activities in the campuses and schools. Another way that can be taken is to divert attention and spare time with the youth sports activities, art and culture that have been implemented in many other countries.

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How the student's behavior far from the parents? What they do apart from the course?

Education not only provides a different nuance in the community, but people with education can provide something for other people, as a young intellectual at the present time, only in term of education and social status formality only. The role of education to change to fully human when this is not yet implemented. Life is made more complex student orientation change drastically, especially visible in the crowd who tend to be free without limit.
Does not control the individual and collective good of the community and their own friends into more leads to sexual hedonostik. Where is the converse of this leads to more than just biological factors such as sex-free, collect buffalo, and clubbing. This is not closing the possibility it happens degradation of moral values and religion. Ironically true when a student discovered consume drugs, and sell out to make sex outside marriage, but something that is considered normal, and have become a lifestyle of the people have.
Clubbing, for example, is not a negative activity for students, but even a need to get a satisfaction and saturation activity as it continues to campus and for students who live in kost feel alone. Lack of awareness of the collective to provide limits the possibility of moral behavior such as this is considered a normal and commonplace to meet the desires shortly.
World campus seems to be a world exclusive, and far from social reality, but not so even students who create the world for their own world, the permissive, there is no limit on the moral and socially without a limit is part of the lifestyle of Yogyakarta students now. With so many students that deviate behavior, for example, flirt with buxom girlfriend in front of the room kost, they do not feel a loss and tactless to do things like that.

There is no more private space, that space is filled with filth, even public space can also be made in the filthy place for students. This is a phenomenon that is far from home and want to find a joy shortly.

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Latest Trend Students Jogja

There is a trend that is now visible in kost or house rent student / student in Jogja. When I check on their status are still students / student about the facilities kost acquired one of the answers they are. The existence of the Internet connection in their kost. Provider its multifarious, that use instant telkoment, Speedy, and he and other ISPs are also willing to use its own GPRS connection. Once the rich glue them to have an internet connection in the kost? In fact, if not also re-calculated them rich. York region for their own Internet connection with bandwidth are only charged a subscription around 800 rb -1.5 jt / month. If one kost inhabited by 40 people. But if the cooperate together and find around Rp.20 rb - Rp.37.500 / month. And with the cost of the Internet they can connect full-time. Whenever they want and need. Trends such as this have not been there in years 98-99. Internet connection at the time it is expensive and luxurious. But there is a unique in the city Yogyakarta this. With its growing place kost learner Internet. Garnet-cafe also appear in certain areas and there is still only its users.
I do not know the conditions in other cities, such as what, but if there is ever to stop in New York and was going away and around the world to observe the Internet connection you will find the Internet Hotspot in almost every building campuses, Hotspot in the cafe, where Hotspot Billyard, and there is also the hotspot angkringan. Most free access although there is also a pay.
Capital laptop / HP / PDA with wifi facilities can connect. Jogja is the trendsetter, according to my IT world, the world trensetter students. And year by year to learn how they have started to shift to IT, one of the facilities by utilizing the Internet.

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About Me

There was a time it when you called the very top and miss you for hoping to do it from your dreams' n hug him in real life .. I dreamed I dreamed I know, go where you go expecting, but Be Anything you want cOz you only have a single life and are a chance to do all I know make..

Fall Heart

Sometimes I want to get away from you, And has further to run, but there is a feeling you want to lose you, there is a feeling you want to always have, I love you my dear.. I was scare to lose you..

Special For My Mom

My mother is always with me. She's the whisper of the leaves as you walk down the street. She's the smell of bleach in your freshly laundered socks. She's the cool hand on your brow when you're not well. Your mother lives inside your laughter. She's crystallized in every tear drop. She's the place you came from, your first home. She's the map you follow with every step that you take. She's your first love and your first heart break. And nothing on earth can separate you. Not time.. Not space.. Not even death.. will ever separate you from your mother. You carry her inside of you. I love you a lot and always will. We know that you'll always love us too, you'll always care for us, no matter what the age. Just know no matter what you do, no one will be able to replace you. Thank you mom for everything that you have done and keeping doing for me.

The Inexpensive Place to Shop!

Joglo Online Store, The Inexpensive Place to Shop! Do you realize that the food you eat every day is a health insurance? Elections food or food to be a very sensitive issue in the food industry. Many cases of food poisoning, digestive and metabolic disturbances caused by residues of synthetic chemicals in food. So that consumers can have more select materials and food products that will be consumed. Food security and food products are fresh, natural and healthy choices and become more public demand, so encourage healthy lifestyles that lead to the flow of the world that has been the return to nature (back to Nature). Society increasingly aware of the need to choose food that is completely natural, free of synthetic chemical substances that come from pesticides, the growth hormones, chemicals and fertilizers. Products and organic food to be a choice, so the demand and the better prospects.

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