Latest Trend Students Jogja
There is a trend that is now visible in kost or house rent student / student in Jogja. When I check on their status are still students / student about the facilities kost acquired one of the answers they are. The existence of the Internet connection in their kost. Provider its multifarious, that use instant telkoment, Speedy, and he and other ISPs are also willing to use its own GPRS connection. Once the rich glue them to have an internet connection in the kost? In fact, if not also re-calculated them rich. York region for their own Internet connection with bandwidth are only charged a subscription around 800 rb -1.5 jt / month. If one kost inhabited by 40 people. But if the cooperate together and find around Rp.20 rb - Rp.37.500 / month. And with the cost of the Internet they can connect full-time. Whenever they want and need. Trends such as this have not been there in years 98-99. Internet connection at the time it is expensive and luxurious. But there is a unique in the city Yogyakarta this. With its growing place kost learner Internet. Garnet-cafe also appear in certain areas and there is still only its users.
I do not know the conditions in other cities, such as what, but if there is ever to stop in New York and was going away and around the world to observe the Internet connection you will find the Internet Hotspot in almost every building campuses, Hotspot in the cafe, where Hotspot Billyard, and there is also the hotspot angkringan. Most free access although there is also a pay.
Capital laptop / HP / PDA with wifi facilities can connect. Jogja is the trendsetter, according to my IT world, the world trensetter students. And year by year to learn how they have started to shift to IT, one of the facilities by utilizing the Internet.
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